Mr. Mirror is a great application to back up your work at the end of the day to guard against disk failures. The scheduler inside Mr. Mirror is great – it lets you schedule the backup procedure every few minutes as you desire, any/every day of the week you want, and even lets you run your own command line at the designated time. All that needs to be done is selection of the portion of disk that needs backup. A lot of flexibility is provided for selecting exactly what the user wants and what not. You can –
• Select single folder or its entire branch
• Exclude folders within the branch
• Select only particular types of files
• Exclude particular types of files
• Ignore system or hidden files
The interface for doing all this is, however, a bit fussy for average users. For example, to exclude a folder from being backed up, a blank text file with a particular title needs to be placed manually in that folder. But the plus is that it can be done. Adding / deleting extensions of files to be included / excluded can be done with relative ease. The target, where the backup will be stored, can be an external network drive, zip drive, or a local drive. Disk spanning is supported too i.e. if you run out of space, more than one disk can be used for backup. Extra support for networking is provided that will help system administrators a great deal. You can select the level of compression you want for the backup (0-9). The best feature in Mr. Mirror is that it does not update files that have not been changed, thus speeding up the backup procedure. And there’s no need to reboot Windows before you start using it. Most other programs don’t have this benefit.
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